The fact that Shania Twain married the ex-husband of her ex-mistress husband’s is described as “beautifully twisted” by the singer…

Are you perplexed yet? It gets better! What type of country song do you get when you marry the ex-husband of the lady who was cheated on by your own former spouse with another woman? Shania Twain, who is a superstar in the country music industry, is perhaps the only one who can solve that specific puzzle. Mostly due to the fact that… it is precisely what she has done. When the news broke in 2008 that Shania’s then-husband, Robert Lange, had been unfaithful to her, it sent shockwaves across the country music industry. Not only was he cheating, but he was cheating with his married secretary, who Shania thought of as a personal friend. He was cheating with his married secretary.

Are you perplexed yet? It gets better! During that time, Robert referred to their breakup as “an unpleasant event” and explained it as “simply physically growing apart, that’s all.” Rob, hold your horses! The truth of the matter is that Robert and his secretary, Marie-Anne Thiébaud, were having an affair. This is the reality of the situation. The fact that Shania and Robert had a kid together, Eja D’Angelo, who was 6 at the time, added to the anguish she felt after learning the news that Robert had cheated on her.

The fact that Shania Twain married the ex-husband of her ex-mistress husband’s is described as “beautifully twisted” by the singer.

The marriage between Shania and Robert “Mutt” Lange lasted for more than ten years. In 1993, after Mutt had listened to a few of her songs, he wanted to be introduced to her. After hearing a few of her songs, he wanted to meet her at Nashville’s Fan Fair, where he then made the offer to produce her next album and create additional songs for her as well.

The wedding between Shania and Mutt took place on December 28th, 1993, and the couple’s kid was born in the year 2001. Because Shania’s most popular songs were clearly written during the time period in which she and Kevin were together, it is reasonable to believe that many of her most famous songs are about their relationship.

In May of 2008, the couple made the announcement that they were going their separate ways, and by June of 2010, they were divorced. It is unknown whether or whether Mutt and Marie-Anne Thiébaud are still together, but in 2009, Shania and Marie-ex-husband, Anne’s Frédéric Thiébaud, were engaged.

Shania was utterly heartbroken when they decided to go their own ways. During the taping of Watch What Happens Live, she reportedly shared with Andy Cohen that she had a chance encounter with Marie-Anne “I was completely overcome with terror. I could only manage to tell her that she was a terrible person before I ran out of steam.”

Shania and Frédéric met at a time when they were both struggling to come to terms with the unexpected breakdown of their marriages. Shania told Ellen DeGeneres, “Both of us went through an extremely trying moment during this period of time. I believe that he emerged from it in better physical and mental shape than I did.”

She further said to Ellen that “He was an incredible help; we were a support to one other and truly discovered something lovely and unexpected at the end.”

Despite the fact that Shania’s manager didn’t confirm the singer’s engagement until the year 2010, the couple was seen wearing rings in 2009. They chose to be married on the first of the year 2011 in Puerto Rico.

Shania has said that she and her ex-husband have joint parental responsibilities for their son, but that she does not interact with Marie-Anne in any way. “That incident won’t happen in my life because I won’t let it… She is not in any way my destiny. She represents my past.”

Shania also shared her thoughts on how to pick up the pieces of your life after receiving disheartening news in an interview “The only thing that matters is survival. I was stuck in the muck. I panicked, as anybody does, but I didn’t succumb. I was able to get out of it.”

“When I’m trying to keep up with everything, I find that I’m sometimes overwhelmed, but experience also teaches you how to handle. As you become older, you have a wealth of experience in the art of picking yourself back up after falling. You won’t be able to stop plummeting any time soon. You’ll grow better at picking yourself up and getting back on your feet as time goes on. That is how I see it. I’ve lived it.”

“Twain notes that she is more at ease with her physical appearance today than she was when she was younger. “Back in those days, it was a true uphill battle. But as you get older, you start to ask yourself questions like, “OK, how many more years do I have to live, and do I really want to spent those years feeling awful about myself and the things I can’t change?”

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