Little Arabella only just learned that she is able to converse with her father. Therefore, she gazes up at dada with those adorably big eyes and coos her little heart out, completely unaware of the fact that she is really clutching daddy’s heart in her itty-bitty hands.
And it makes no difference to Zac in the least. That man is one ecstatic parent!
Zac takes a minute to relax, props up his feet, and holds his beautiful daughter in his arms as he takes in the splendor of the occasion. The instant shared by a father and a daughter in which time appears to stand still and the only thing that counts is the conversation taking place between them.

The commenter known as Snicky58 echoes these thoughts, stating,
“What a beautiful little angel. It’s likely that she was attempting to tell her father, “I love you.”
During the time when another viewer was commenting,
“What a beautiful and well-nourished little one! Our hearts are completely melted by her, and you have no idea how lucky you are. Treasure every second that you were able to spend with her.
Without a doubt, he will!
It is standard practice, and quite appropriate, to compliment mothers on all of the hard work they do. Moms carry their children for nine months, give birth to them, nurse them through the night, and undertake the bulk of the housework and chores. The traditional role of fathers is that of providers; they are expected to go to work, then return home to spend time with their children before beginning the cycle again the following day.

The research was posted by parents on their website.
“Mothers and fathers who’d already spent a minimal amount of an hour with their infant were similarly adept at recognizing her simply by stroking the backs of her hands, according to the findings of a study conducted by Marsha Kaitz, a psychologist at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The study found that when the participants’ emotions of sight, sound, and smell were suppressed, the participants were able to identify their children. In addition, Ross Parke, Ph.D., director of the Center for Family Studies at the University of California at Riverside, monitored the behaviors of parents throughout the first two days of their children’s lives. After several years of research, he came to the same conclusion again and again: “Men are just as responsive as women are to a baby’s indications and just as good at reacting correctly.”